Isaiah Chapter 52 Part 6 and Chapter 53 Part 1

March RTA Logo

Isaiah Chapter 52 Part 45 and 53 Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier 

In this lecture we conclude our discussion on chapter 52 and begin our discussion of chapter 53.

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The Message of the Redeemer is Folly to the Unbeliever


The Message of the Redeemer is Folly to the Unbeliever

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit.  Thus, the message of the cross is folly to the unbeliever.  Because of sin, he rejects the wisdom of God and prefers the wisdom of the world.  He cannot help but set his eyes upon the things of men rather than the things of God.  By nature, he is spiritually blind and deaf.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Lecture The Message of the Redeemer is Folly to the Unbeliever

Study Questions- The Message of the Redeemer is Folly to the Unbeliever

Isaiah Chapters 26 and 27

March RTA Logo

The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapters 26 and 27

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we make the connection between the singing for joy in chapter 26 and the guilt being atoned for and sins removed in chapter 27. The earth shall birth the slain. The dead in Christ shall live.

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The Cornerstone is the Stumbling Stone


The Cornerstone is a Stumbling Stone

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

The Holy Spirit spoke through the mouth of the prophet Isaiah declaring that a Stone of stumbling would be set in place in Zion.  This Stone would be a tested stone and a sure foundation.  In Psalm 118, the Holy Spirit declared that this Stone would be rejected by the builders, but it would become the cornerstone.  The same Spirit of God spoke through the mouths of the Apostles declare that Jesus is this Stone.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Lecture- The Cornerstone is a Stumbling Stone

Study Questions- The Cornerstone is a Stumbling Stone

Learning to say Hallelujah.


Learning to Say Hallelujah

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

Christ is risen!  He is read indeed!  Alleluia!  Or is it Hallelujah?  Whether there is an “H” or an “A,”  the key is to proclaim the works of the LORD.  Specifically in this season of Easter, we take great comfort in knowing that Christ has been but to death for our transgression and raised to life for our justification.  In this great act of salvation we rejoice!


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Lecture- Learning to Say Hallelujah

Study Questions- Learning to Say Hallelujah

Joshua and the Written Word Part 2

March RTA Logo

Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we discuss the written word that Joshua gives to the people of Israel before his death in connection with the written word of Moses.  Plus, we will look at the unique written account of Joshua battling against Amalek as written in Exodus 17 and referred to in Deuteronomy 25.  This word was spoken to Joshua and written down so that the people would not forget that Amalek’s name was to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Later when Saul became the first King of Israel, this word was forgotten.  Saul did not listen to the voice of the LORD.  There is only one King of Israel who listened to all that the LORD declared.  He speaks in Psalm 40 and is testified to in Hebrews 10.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2

Study Questions- Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2