About Pastor Kachelmeier

Pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church in Los Alamos, NM.

Lecture 68- The Revealed Knowledge of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 4

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-in-the-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-4.mp3|titles=The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-in-the-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-4]

The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 4

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In the first chapter of Genesis, we are taught that all three persons of the Blessed Trinity were present at the creation.  The prophet Moses reveals who creation took place.  God the Father was speaking.  The Son was the active Word being spoken.  The Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.  In this event, God reveals Himself to creation.  In the New Testament, we see the work of recreation being revealed to us at the waters of the Jordan River.  Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is standing in the water.  The Father declares, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”  The Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove.  In this event, God reveals Himself to the people of Israel.

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The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 4

Study Questions- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 4

Christ in the Old Testament- Isaiah 11

Christ in the Old Testament

Pastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Isaiah chapter 11The Prophet Isaiah declares that the Christ is the Shoot from the Stump of Jesse, the Branch, and the Root of Jesse. “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:2, ESV) (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Christ in the Old Testament- Isaiah 2

Christ in the Old Testament

Pastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Isaiah chapter 2. The Prophet Isaiah declares,“He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4, ESV) This is not the accomplishment of earthly kingdoms bringing world peace; rather, it is the action of God bringing His Eternal Kingdom of Peace. All kingdoms of the earth shall come to an end and only God’s Kingdom will endure forever. The Christ will come to be the only one exalted. “For out of Zion shall go the Torah, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3). After the Resurrection, Christ sent out the Apostles to the nations from Jerusalem with the Torah, that is, His instruction. This message went to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles second. The invitation goes out, “O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” (Isaiah 2:5, ESV)  As the Apostle John says, “…if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)   (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 67- The Revead Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 3

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-int-he-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-3.mp3|titles=The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-int-he-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-3]

The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 3

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In the Old Testament, God has revealed Himself as the Savior when He lead the people of Israel out of Egypt and rescued them from all their enemies. God declares, “I, I am the Yahweh, and besides me there is no savior.” (Isaiah 43:11)  In the New Testament, God has revealed Himself as the Savior when He took upon flesh, was crucified and resurrected, in order to rescue us from our enemies of the devil, sin, and death. There is only One Savior. In the New Testament, we are taught to confess that Jesus is the only Savior. We confess that Jesus is Yahweh.

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The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 3

Study Questions- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 3

Christ in the Old Testament- Malachi 3

Christ in the Old TestamentPastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Malachi chapter 3. The Prophet Malachi gives to us this promise, “a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name.” (Malachi 3:16, ESV) How does one become enrolled in the book of remembrance? The LORD will act by sending the Baptizer, who is referred to as His messenger to prepare His way. Then the Christ will come to His temple to purify. Christ is called the Messenger of the Covenant. Our names are written in the book of life with His blood of the New Covenant. He is the Covenant of God incarnate.   (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 66- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 2

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-in-the-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-2.mp3|titles=The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-in-the-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-2]

The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

There is only One True God.  Through natural knowledge we can discern that there is a God who created all things.  Yet, it is only through revealed knowledge that we can know who this One True God is.  The prophets and apostles sent by God have revealed the One True God to the nations.  Apart from this teaching, an individual is left without God. In this lecture we discuss the prophetic office that Moses and Isaiah were placed into in order to reveal the Triune God to the sons of Israel. In addition, we will discuss the apostolic office that Paul was placed into in order to reveal the Triune God to the Gentiles. In particular, we will look at Exodus 3, Deuteronomy 7, Isaiah 63, Genesis 15, Ephesians 2, and Titus 3.

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The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 2

Study Questions- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 1

Christ in the Old Testament- Malachi 4

Christ in the Old TestamentPastor Kachelmeier on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Malachi chapter 4. The Prophet Malachi gives to us this promise, “…for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings..” (Malachi 4:2) But before He comes, the Baptizer, who is referred to as Elijah, will prepare His way. Zechariah, the father of John the Baptizer rejoices that his son will be the Prophet of the Most High who will be sent “to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the Sunrise shall visit us from on high” (Luke 1:77–78)   (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 65- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 1

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-in-the-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-1.mp3|titles=The-Revealed-Mystery-of-the-Trinity-in-the-Old-and-New-Testaments-Part-1]


The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

We believe, teach, and confess that there is only One True God.  The divine essence is undivided.  At the same time we believe, teach, and confess that the One True God has revealed Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  The three persons of the Holy Trinity are coequal, coeternal, and consubstantial.  We worship one God in three persons and three persons in one God.  We neither divide the divine essence nor confuse the persons.  We hold to the Trinity in Unity and the Unity in Trinity.  The teaching of the Holy Trinity is rightly called a mystery. This mystery is revealed in the writings of both the Old and New Testaments.

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The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments

Study Questions- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 1

Christ in the Old Testament- Exodus Chapter 3

Christ in the Old TestamentPastor Kachelmeier on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Exodus chapter 3. In this passage, The Messenger of Yahweh appears to Moses and from the midst of the bush He says, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” This is not a created angel; rather this is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. In this passage we learn to make a distinction in the plurality of the persons of the Blessed Holy Trinity. We learn to make a distinction between the Person who sends and the Person who is sent. The Father sends the Son. The Son is Yahweh. (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Revelation 7 and the Book of Isaiah

Christ in the Old TestamentPastor Kachelmeier on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Isaiah as alluded to in Revelation chapter 7. The imagery is found in Isaiah chapters 4, 6, 25, 40, 49, and 53. As Isaiah says, “He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces”   (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 64- Introduction to Christology- Part 3

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Introduction-to-Christology-Part-3.mp3|titles=Introduction-to-Christology-Part-3]

Introduction to Christology- Part 3

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

As we discuss Christology, we mediate upon the person and work of Christ.  He has come to do what humanity cannot do and to do what only God can do, that is, defeat Satan.  Christ is not an created angelic being sent to fight against a created fallen angelic being.  The author of the letter to the Hebrews writes, “For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you”? Or again, “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son”? And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all God’s angels worship him.”” (Hebrews 1:5–6, ESV)  To be worshiped by all the angels, Christ Himself is not a created angel.  He is to be worshiped and honored equally with the Father.  Not only is He coequal with the Father, but He is also coessential with the Father.  He is the begotten Son of the Father, that is, of the same divine substance as the Father.  He is God of God.  He is begotten and not made.  He is True God.  As True God, He alone can overcome and defeat the devil and live.  “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.” (Hebrews 2:14–15, ESV)  He came to destroy the devil and deliver humanity from slavery to sin.  He alone can set us free.

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Introduction to Christology Part 3

Study Questions- Introduction to Christology- Part 3

The Psalms in Romans 3:11-18

Christ in the Old TestamentPastor Kachelmeier on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in Psalms as quoted by St. Paul in Romans chapter 3. The Apostle states that both Jews and Greeks are under sin as it is written none is righteous. Then Paul splices passages together in a seamless quotation. He cites Psalm 14; 53; 5; 140; 10; 36; Prov. 1; Isaiah 59 (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 63- Introduction to Christology- Part 2

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Introduction-to-Christology-Part-2.mp3|titles=Introduction-to-Christology-Part-2]

Introduction to Christology- Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

Christology is the true knowledge of the person and work of the Christ as it has been revealed to us in the written scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles.  The doctrine of the Apostles teaches us the true knowledge of the true God.  Only through Christ do we have access to the Father in the Holy Spirit.  This knowledge is a revealed knowledge.  Only in Christ, can we know the living God.  Without Christ, we are left to human opinions falsely teaching us a vast variety of false gods that have no life in them.  The True God is Life and He gives life.  He is the source of all life.  Without Him there is no life.  Only the True God is eternal and thus only the Eternal Living God can give eternal life.  To know the True God is to know eternal life.  To have the True God is to have eternal life.  Without the person and work of Christ, one cannot know the True God and one cannot have eternal life.

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Introduction to Christology- Part 2

Christ in the Book of Ruth

Christ in the Old TestamentPastor Kachelmeier on Issues, Etc. talking about Christ in the book of Ruth. Chapter one opens by stating that there was a famine in the land. Thus, a man from Bethlehem in Judah sojourned in Moab. Then Naomi returns to the land with Ruth when she hears that the LORD has visited the land of Judah giving food. In the last chapter of the book, we are told Ruth has a son named Obed. Obed is the father of Jesse and Jesse is the father of David. In this book, the people of God our taught to wait in anticipation for the Son of David who will come and visit the land.  (click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 62- Introduction to Christology- Part 1

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Introduction-to-Christology-Part-1.mp3|titles=Introduction-to-Christology-Part-1]

Introduction to Christology- Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

Christology is the study of the true knowledge of the person and work of Christ as revealed in the God-breathed scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.  Christ is the Savior who has come to save fallen humanity.  He is true God begotten from all eternity and also true man born of the Virgin Mary.  These are the two natures of the one Christ.  He has the divine nature being eternal God and the source of all life.  He has the human nature being mortal man able to die.  He is one person consisting of the personal union of these two natures.  We do not confound or mix the divine and human natures saying that He has one nature; therefore, we confess the two natures of Christ.  In the same way, we do not separate His divinity from His humanity saying that He subsists of two persons; therefore, we confess Christ to be one person of the Blessed Holy Trinity.

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Introduction to Christology Part 1

Who is Michael? More Deception by the Jehovah’s Witnesses

178Who is Michael?  What Does the Bible Really Teach?   To be clear, the Watchtower organization does not really teach what the Bible really teaches.  When the Watchtower

teaches its witnesses that the Bible “indicates” or that the Bible “suggests”, a certain teaching, let us be clear that suggesting or indicating is not the same thing as teaching.  Beware of such ambiguous language.

If the Bible teaches a truth, then it is not suggesting or indicating a truth.  Beware of the teachings of the Watchtower organization that tries to support their own false doctrines by saying that there are “Scriptural reasons” to believe what the Watchtower teaches, or we can “draw a conclusion” based upon a text of Sacred Scripture that agrees with the conclusions of the Watchtower, or “it is logical” to conclude that the logic of the Watchtower is correct.

For example, the Watchtower organization teaches that the Michael the Archangel is Jesus.  Yet, nowhere in the Bible is it every taught that Jesus and Michael are the same person.  Nowhere does Jesus ever say, “I am Michael.”  There is not a single verse in the Sacred Scriptures that ever teach that Jesus is Michael.

But the Watchtower teaches that Jesus is Michael and to deceive its followers it teaches them that there are “Scriptural reasons” in which “conclusions can be drawn” because it is “logical to conclude” that the Bible “indicates” and “suggests” that Jesus is Michael even though it is never taught clearly.


The Watchtower teaching on Michael can be found in there answer to the question “Who is Michael?” in the book “What Does the Bible Really Teach?” (here)  The Watchtower states,

“Likewise, the Bible indicates that Michael is another name for Jesus Christ, before and after his life on earth. Let us consider Scriptural reasons for drawing that conclusion.” (here)

 Notice the language of “indicates.”  If the Bible teaches that Michael is another name for Jesus, then why not say that the Bible “teaches” rather than “indicates”?  The Watchtower goes on to give “Scriptural reasons for drawing that conclusion” as follows:

“At times, individuals are known by more than one name. For example, the patriarch Jacob is also known as Israel, and the apostle Peter, as Simon. (Genesis 49:1, 2; Matthew 10:2) Likewise, the Bible indicates that Michael is another name for Jesus Christ, before and after his life on earth. Let us consider Scriptural reasons for drawing that conclusion.” (here)

However, when you look to the above examples from the Bible, it does not “indicate” or “suggest” that Israel could be another name for Jacob or that Peter could be another name for Simon.  Instead, the Bible teaches that Israel is another name for Jacob and Peter is another name for Simon.  In Genesis chapter thirty-two we read, “Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And there he blessed him.” (Genesis 32:28–29, ESV)  And again, in Matthew sixteen we read, “And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:17–18, ESV)

The Watchtower cannot produce a single verse in which it is taught that Michael is another name for Jesus.  In fact, Michael is only talked about in five verses in the entire Bible (Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1; Jude 9; Revelation 12:7)  None of these verse teach that Michael is another name for Jesus.

The Watchtower organization teaches,

“God’s Word refers to Michael “the archangel.” (Jude 9) This term means “chief angel.” Notice that Michael is called the archangel. This suggests that there is only one such angel.” (here)

In the Greek, the name Michael has a definite article and we know how significant definite article is for the Watchtower when they want to prove a point (see Watchtower Deception and the Out-of-Print Greek Interlinear).  However, they failed to reveal that “the Michael” does not suggest that here is only one Michael.  In fact, there are more than one named Michael in the Bible (Num. 13:13; 1 Chron. 5:13-14, 6:40, 7:3, 8:16, 12:20, 27:18; 2 Chron. 21:2; Ezra 8:8).  Stating, “the archangel” does not teach that there is only one such angel or that Michael is Jesus.  For this reason the Watchtower says that it “suggests.”

At the same time, the modifying word “chief” does not mean only one.  Zacchaeus is called a “chief tax collecter,” but that does not mean that he is the only one in the entire Roman Empire (Luke 19:1-2).  Likewise, there was more than one “chief priest.”  It was the “chief priests” (in the plural) who brought charges against Jesus.

In contrast to the Bible, the Watchtower goes on to teach,

“Regarding the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 states: “The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice.” Thus the voice of Jesus is described as being that of an archangel. This scripture therefore suggests that Jesus himself is the archangel Michael.” (here)

Again, if we actually read the passage, we will see that the Bible does not teach that Jesus Himself is the Archangel Michael.  For this reason, the Watchtower has to say that the text “suggests” it.  The text itself says, “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, ESV)  Notice what the text actually teaches.  It teaches that Jesus will cry out “with the voice of an archangel.”  With the Watchtower obsession with the definite article, it should be not that in the Greek the text reads “an archangel” and not “the archangel.”  Likewise, it should be brought to your attention that in the Greek there is no definite article in front of the word theos (god).  Therefore, if the Watchtower were consistent with their rule about the definite article regarding the difference between “a god” and “the God,” they would have to translate this passage “a trumpet of a god.”

Finally the Watchtower ends on this note teaching,

“Michael is the Leader of an army of faithful angels. Revelation also describes Jesus as the Leader of an army of faithful angels. (Revelation 19:14-16) And the apostle Paul specifically mentions “the Lord Jesus” and “his powerful angels.” (2 Thessalonians 1:7; Matthew 16:27; 24:31; 1 Peter 3:22) So the Bible speaks of both Michael and “his angels” and Jesus and “his angels.” (Matthew 13:41) Since God’s Word nowhere indicates that there are two armies of faithful angels in heaven—one headed by Michael and one headed by Jesus—it is logical to conclude that Michael is none other than Jesus Christ in his heavenly role.” (here)

Again, notice that the Watchtower wants their followers to use their logic.  The man-made organization puts forth the assertion that there is only one army of faithful angels in heaven and then teaches “it is logical to conclude” that Michael is Jesus because they both have the same army of faithful angels in heaven.  Well to use the logical conclusion of the Watchtower, then their witnesses should “logically conclude” that Jesus is Jehovah since there is only one army of angels in heaven and Jehovah is the God of hosts.

The Bible teaches us in Psalm 103, “Bless Jehovah, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, obeying the voice of his word! Bless Jehovah, all his hosts, his ministers, who do his will!” (Psalm 103:20–21)  In Psalm 148 we are taught, “Praise JEHOVAH ! Praise JEHOVAH from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts!” (Psalm 148:1–2, ESV)  God’s angels are commanded to worship and praise JEHOVAH alone.  In Hebrews chapter one, regarding Jesus, the Father commands all the angels saying, “Let all God’s angels worship him.”” (Hebrews 1:6, ESV)  Michael is one of the angels that are commanded by the Father to worship Jesus.


Lecture 61- The Written Word in the Days of King Solomon and King Jeroboam

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/The-Written-Word-in-the-Days-of-King-Solomon-and-King-Jeroboam.mp3|titles=The-Written-Word-in-the-Days-of-King-Solomon-and-King-Jeroboaml]

The Written Word in the Days of King Solomon and King Jeroboam

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we look at the significance of the written word for the use of the King of Israel. David walked in the ways of the LORD by listening to His voice in the written word.  However, his son Solomon did not listen to the LORD his God and the kingdom was torn asunder.  Even though Jeroboam was given the northern kingdom, he did not heed the voice of the LORD his God and followed the intentions of his own heart rather than the revealed will of God as found in the written scriptures.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Written Word in the Days of King Solomon and King Jeroboam

Study Questions- The Written Word in the Days of King Solomon and King Jeroboam

Lecture 60- The Written Word in the Days of King Saul

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/The-Written-Word-in-the-Days-of-King-Saul.mp3|titles=The-Written-Word-in-the-Days-of-King-Saul]

The Written Word in the Days of King Saul

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we look at the significance of the written word for the use of the King of Israel.  Saul was the first king, but he failed to listen to the Voice of God as it was written.  His rejection of God’s word resulted in the rejection of him as king.  David replaces Saul and is given the promise that his son would bring in the everlasting kingdom.  Jesus, the Son of David, fulfills the promise given to David.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Written Word in the Days of King Saul

Lecture 59- The Written Word in the Days of the Judges

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/The-Written-Word-in-the-Days-of-the-Judges.mp3|titles=The-Written-Word-in-the-Days-of-the-Judges]

The Written Word in the Days of the Judges

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we look at the significance of the written word as a testimony against the people of God in their unfaithfulness to the LORD.  Moses warned the sons of Israel that they would rebel against the LORD their King and seek after other gods and a different king.  At the same time, we see how the written word testifies to the faithfulness of the LORD to His promises.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Written Word in the Days of the Judges

Study Questions- The Written Word in the Days of the Judges

Lecture 58- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 3

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Holy-Trinity-in-the-Book-of-Acts-Part-3.mp3|titles=The-Holy-Trinity-in-the-Book-of-Acts-Part-3]

The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 3

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we continue our discuss on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts.  In particular, we discuss the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is True God.  He is the third person of the Blessed Trinity.  He speaks, teaches, reveals, leads, guides, and directs.  The Holy Spirit is not a mere force or fuzzy feeling.  He is Eternal God proceeding from the Father and the Son.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 3

Study Questions- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 3

The Internal Vs. External Word

The Latest Issue of Around the Word is now available.  Go to the Around the Word website (click here).

In this Issue you can read the Article “What’s the Big Deal about Preaching?                       by Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier…

Again the real issue is not determining if the Bible is true; rather, the real issue at stake is whether or not the external word is efficacious.  Is the external word the living voice of God?  To be certain, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16–17, ESV)  Who is the man of God?  It is the man that God has placed in the preaching office as a successor to the Apostles.

To read more of this article, and many others, pick up a copy of the Fall 2013 Issue.

LampLight Conversations on the Readings for the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

LampLight Conversations on KNGN Radio 1360 AM


Each week, LampLight Conversations previews the upcoming readings for the Three Year Lectionary.  Take a listen to this valuable resource to help in your preparations to receive God’s Word in the Divine Service.

For the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, go to the KNGN website (click here) and place the cursor over LampLight Conversations and left click.  A list of available episodes should be displayed.  Click on “Pent 13” for the conversation with Pastor Brian Kachelmeier, Pastor Derrick Brown, and station manager Adam Spainer.

The readings for Proper 15 are:

Jeremiah 23:16-29; Psalm 119:81-88; Hebrews 11:17-31(32-40); Luke 12:49-53(54-56).

Lecture 57- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 2

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Holy-Trinity-in-the-Book-of-Acts-Part-2.mp3|titles=The-Holy-Trinity-in-the-Book-of-Acts-Part-2]

The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we continue our discuss on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts.  We look at Acts chapters 4, 5, 10, 11, and 15.  Furthermore, we discuss the Apostolic usage of “God” for the person of the Father and “Lord” for the person of the Son teaching us to make a distinction in the plurality of persons of the Blessed Holy Trinity.  We commonly see this distinction in Paul’s greetings at the beginning of each of his epistles.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 2

Study Questions- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 2

Lecture 56- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 1

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/The-Holy-Trinity-in-the-Book-of-Acts-Part-1.mp3|titles=The-Holy-Trinity-in-the-Book-of-Acts-Part-1]

The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we discuss the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts.  We look at Acts chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 to learn to make a distinction between the plurality of the persons of the Blessed Trinity.  The person of the Father sent the Son in the flesh.  The person of the Son was crucified, raised, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.  The Ascended Son pours out the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.  The person of the Holy Spirit teaches and guides in all truth.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 1

Study Questions- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 1

Lecture 55- Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Joshua-and-the-Written-Word-Part-2.mp3|titles=Joshua-and-the-Written-Word-Part-2]

Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we discuss the written word that Joshua gives to the people of Israel before his death in connection with the written word of Moses.  Plus, we will look at the unique written account of Joshua battling against Amalek as written in Exodus 17 and referred to in Deuteronomy 25.  This word was spoken to Joshua and written down so that the people would not forget that Amalek’s name was to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Later when Saul became the first King of Israel, this word was forgotten.  Saul did not listen to the voice of the LORD.  There is only one King of Israel who listened to all that the LORD declared.  He speaks in Psalm 40 and is testified to in Hebrews 10.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2

Study Questions- Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2

Lutheran Radio UK

Redeemer Theological Academy is now broadcast on Lutheran Radio UK                                 every Friday at 4 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Lutheran Radio UK is the official radio station of the ELCE (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of England) It was formally launched on 4th March 2012 during the “Divine Service with the dedication of Lutheran Radio UK” which was broadcast live and can be listened to again in the Podcasts section.

www.lutheranradio.co.uk (click here)

Lutheran Radio

Lecture 54- Joshua and the Written Word

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Joshua-and-the-Written-Word.mp3|titles=Joshua-and-the-Written-Word]

Joshua and the Written Word

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we discuss the direct correlation between the appointing of Joshua and the teaching of Moses.  Joshua is given the duty to lead the sons of Israel to be faithful to the Lord as they enter into the Promised Land.  They will go with God by going with the written word of Moses.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Lecture 54- Joshua and the Written Word

Study Questions- Joshua and the Written Word


Lecture 53- Moses and the Written Word

March RTA Logo


Moses and the Written Word

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we discuss Moses and the written word.  We focus on the fifth book of Moses, that is, Deuteronomy in order to understand the use and the purpose that Moses himself gives to the written text.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Lecture 53- Moses and the Written Word

Study Questions- Moses and the Written Word


Christology is the study of the true knowledge of the person and work of Christ as revealed in the God-breathed scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.  Christ is the Savior who has come to save fallen humanity.  He is true God begotten from all eternity and also true man born of the Virgin Mary.  These are the two natures of the one Christ.  He has the divine nature being eternal God and the source of all life.  He has the human nature being mortal man able to die.  He is one person consisting of the personal union of these two natures.  We do not confound or mix the divine and human natures saying that He has one nature; therefore, we confess the two natures of Christ.  In the same way, we do not separate His divinity from His humanity saying that He subsists of two persons; therefore, we confess Christ to be one person of the Blessed Holy Trinity.

To know Christ, is to know the true Living God.  To know Christ, is to know the true man who is the very image of God.  To know the true Living God apart from Christ, brings sorrow, shame, and guilt because we are fallen creation.  When our sin is exposed, we are left to die.  To know Christ brings joy, forgiveness, and restoration.  When our Savior is revealed, we are given new life.

Watchtower Deception and the Out-of-Print Greek Interlinear

The Watchtower Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures


An interlinear Greek Bible allows the average person to see the direct correlation between an English translation and the Greek text.  Typically, underneath each Greek word in the text the equivalent of the simple English word will be placed.  Due to differences in Greek word order and unique idioms, the English under the text maybe rather clumsy.  Thus, it is common for an interlinear to set up each page with a column of the word for word Greek and English next to a column of an actual English translation of the text.

In 1969, the Watchtower organization (“Jehovah’s Witness”) printed a Greek Interlinear of the New Testament scriptures.  According the book itself, there were 500,000 copies printed for this first edition.  In 1985, the second edition was released in which 800,000 copies were produced.  The goal of this book is to help the “sincere” and “humble” student of the Bible to see the accuracy of the Watchtower’s own New World Translation of the Bible which promotes its unique teachings.  On the left side of each page, a person could see the word for word Greek and English.  On the right side of each page, a person could compare the New World Translation.

This Watchtower “gem” is now out-of-print.  Why is this book out-of-print if it clearly testifies to the truthfulness of the Watchtower teachings?  Simply put, the goal of the organization backfired.  As their own students began to see for the first time the Greek text and compare it with the translation and teaching of the Watchtower, it was made clear that the New World Translation was a deceptive translation of the Greek.  The Watchtower Bible is merely a man made book published to promote its false teachings.  The organization had to pull the plug and no longer make this resource available.  In fact, if you ask the current generation of Watchtower students about this interlinear, you will discover that they have never even heard of it.

If you have ever had a conversation with a Watchtower students (“Jehovah’s Witness”) about the identity of Jesus, most likely they have discussed their “scholarly” knowledge of the Greek text of John 1:1.  Understand that to the average person who has no knowledge of Greek, the mere fact that they can tell you that the Greek word for God is θεὸς (theos) is impressive in and of itself.  In addition, when the Watchtower disciple explains the Greek usage of definite and indefinite articles to either speak about “the God” or “a god,” you might just assume that they must be Greek scholars.  After all, it is all Greek to you.

Below you will see a scan of the 1969 Watchtower Interlinear.  As you can see, the left column consists of the Greek and English word for word and the right column consists of the New World Translation of the text.  Take note that  in John 1:1 the first time that the Greek word for God is used it has a definite article while the second time that it is used it is lacking a definite article.  Thus, the Watchtower “scholar” will explain to you that the first time the Greek is referring to “the God” while the second time the Greek is calling Jesus “a god” meaning that Jesus is not “the God” but just a demigod.  Therefore, when the Greek word θεὸς is used for the Father, then the New World Translation renders it “God” with a capital letter “G.”  When it refers to Jesus, then it is rendered “god” with a lower case “g.”

Next, notice that the Greek word for beginning (ἀρχῇ) is also lacking the definite article as it is in verse two.  Thus, according the the Watchtower “Greek scholarship” this should be translated as “a beginning” and not “the beginning.”  However, look at the way in which the New World Translation renders the text on the right.

Watchtower interlinear John 1

Furthermore, take a look at verse 6 above.  Notice that the Greek word for God (θεοῦ) is missing the definite article; yet, the New World Translation does not render that John was sent from “a god.”  According to their superior Greek “scholarship,” the text should be saying that John was sent from the Word who is “a god.”  However, they translate that John was sent from “the God.”

The same inconsistency happens in the New World Translation of John 1:12-13.  See the Watchtower interlinear below and compare the Greek with the translation on the right.

Watchtower interlinear John 1 part 2


Again, you can see this embarrassing “scholarship” starting with verse 18 above and continue to the page below by comparing the Greek to the translation.

Watchtower interlinear John 1 part 3

Later in John chapter 20, you can see from the Greek that Jesus calls the Father “a god” according to the Greek in verse 17 because there is no definite article.  But, the New World Translation has to say that the Father is “God” and not “god.”

Watchtower interlinear John 20

As you can see, the Watchtower Greek interlinear is not helpful in proving that Jesus is a demigod according to the Greek text while the Father is the God.  Again, why do you think that this “gem” is out-of-print?



Lecture 52- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 3

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Introduction-to-the-Attributes-of-God-Part-3.mp3|titles=Introduction-to-the-Attributes-of-God-Part-3]

Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 3

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we continue to talk about anthropomorphism.  In addition, we begin to discuss holiness vs. love and the problems with confusing the attributes.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 3

Study Questions- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 3

Lecture 51- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 2

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Introduction-to-the-Attributes-of-God-Part-2.mp3|titles=Introduction-to-the-Attributes-of-God-Part-2]

Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we talk about the attributes of God in the book of Jonah.  In addition, we begin to talk about anthropomorphism.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 2

Study Questions- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 2

Lecture 50- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 1

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Introduction-to-the-Attributes-of-God.mp3|titles=Introduction-to-the-Attributes-of-God]

Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we begin to discuss the attributes of God, that is, who God is and what God does.  God is love.  Thus, He acts lovingly.  God is just.  Thus, He acts in justice.  What God is is what God does.  What God does is what God is.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 1

Study Questions- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 1

Lecture 49- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 7

March RTA Logo[audio:https://redeemertheologicalacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/The-Holy-Trinity-in-Creation-Part-7.mp3|titles=The-Holy-Trinity-in-Creation-Part-7]

The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 7

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture, we discuss the sending of the Son and the Holy Spirit in order to give life.  As we are taught a distinction in action, we are taught to confess a distinction in the plurality of persons of the Godhead.  We learn to make a distinction between the person who sends and the person who is sent.  In addition, we learn that the unity of action teaches us a unity in the divine essence.  Only God is eternal and gives life.  At the same time we are taught that the Father is eternal and gives life, the Son is eternal and gives life, and the Holy Spirit is eternal and  gives life.

Download this lecture and study questions by clicking on the links below:

The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 7

Study Questions- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 7