About Pastor Kachelmeier

Pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church in Los Alamos, NM.

Lecture 158- Christmas Message

March RTA Logo


Christmas Message

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this episode we talk about two Gospel texts for the Nativity of our Lord. Merry Christmas!!!

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Fourth Sunday in Advent

Redeemer Theological Academy

The Fourth Sunday in Advent
December 20, 2015

Micah 5:2-5
Psalm 80
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:29-45

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

During this Advent season, we watch, we wait, and we anticipate the Christmas Day. That is the day of our dear Savior’s birth. This is not a birthday in which we eat birthday cake. No, this is the Day of Lord’s Visitation in which we eat the bread of His presence. In days of Micah, the people of God were waiting for the Christ Child to be born. Instead of seeking the LORD at Jerusalem, they we to search for the LORD in Bethlehem.

The Prophet preached, “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. Therefore he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labor has given birth; then the rest of his brothers shall return to the people of Israel.” (Micah 5:2–3, ESV)

This Child would be the promised Ruler. He will sit on the throne of His father David. He will be born in the city of David- not Jerusalem, but in Bethlehem. The city where David was born. This would be a new Kingdom. He would reign over the house of Jacob forever. His Kingdom will have no end.

This Child would be the promised Ruler. His coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. He is eternally begotten from God the Father. He was in the beginning. He is the beginning. His coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. The promise of His coming was given to Eve in the Garden of Eden.

This Child would be the promised Ruler. Ruler’s reign and govern bringing order where there is disorder. That means that there will be a regime change. Under the old way, there was injustice and wickedness. Under the new way, there will be justice and righteousness. In order to bring about this change, the current establishment must be disestablished.

This Child would be the promised Ruler. He comes to overthrow the ruler of this world, that is, the devil. The devil usurped the reign of God among us, buy Christ is the rightful heir of the Kingdom.

Now, here in lies a problem. We all have invested interests in this fallen world. We are born loyal to the lying serpent.. By nature we are intoxicated with iniquity. We want wickedness. We desire disobedience. We treasure transgressions. We think that we are in control. We will not let go without a fight. We need a Ruler from God who can override, overrun, and overrule the control and governance of sin in our lives.

All humanity is conceived and born in sin. The fruit of Eve’s womb has been cursed. We are brought forth in iniquity. We live out our days addicted to sin. We have all been given the death sentence. Yet, ever since the days of Eve, we have received a promise of a substitute who would take our sentence and grant us pardon. This substitute would be born of a woman at the proper time.

Until that time came, God instituted a sacrificial system. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. Under Moses a tabernacle was constructed. Under Solomon a temple was built. The city of Jerusalem was chosen by God to be the place of His presence. It was a great city. However, the offerings of goats and bulls God did not desire. The sacrifices of animals were merely types and shadows of the True Atoning Sacrifice. God desires a change of heart and mind, eyes and ears, lips and mouths, feet and hands. God wills that the whole body and soul of each individual to be renewed and restored.

In Psalm 40, the Only-Begotten Son declared, “Behold, I have come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me.”” (Psalm 40:7–8). In order to do God’s will, in order to be our substitute, a body was prepared for Him in a womb. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin. He received a heart and mind, eyes and ears, lips and a mouth, feet and hands. Mary believed the promise and was called blessed. Blessed is she amongst women. Blessed is the fruit of her womb.

In her womb a body was prepared for the Son of the Most High. In this body, the Only-begotten Son of God was given an open ear to hear. The Father’s words were placed within His heart. He went from little to great. Over His head the anointing of the Holy Spirit remained. His hands did the deeds of good. His own feet were set upon a rock. His steps were made secure. He did not slip. A new song was placed in His mouth and His lips did not refrain from teaching. “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”

He preached the glad news of deliverance to His brothers. However, His brothers did not receive Him. His own people did not believe Him. They chose to abort Mary’s boy and put an end to His teaching. They wanted to terminate His life and cut Him off from the land of the living. They tried to prevent His Kingdom from coming.

Judas sold His body parts for 30 pieces of silver. The soldiers struck His head and placed a prickly crown upon His brow. They pierced His hands and nailed His feet to a tree. They would need to some type of forceps to extract that body from the cross. His ears were filled with mockery. His eyes beheld the priests and rabbis looking at Him with disgust. His mouth was swollen from being struck. Blood was upon His lips. A spear sliced through His side like a surgical scalpel. The body that came forth from the womb of a handmaiden was placed in the tomb of a rich man.

By the offering of Christ’s body, we have been sanctified once for all. Christ comes to do away with the First Testament in order to establish the Second Testament. The old is over and the new is now. With His holy, precious blood of the New Testament, He makes us His own so that we would live under Him in His Kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness. He is preparing our bodies by pardoning them from treason. The King comes to populate His Kingdom with sinners. The Prince of Peace comes to colonize His city with rebels. His rule means our release from the captivity of sin. His rule means the remission of our transgressions. He is our Ruler. His our peace. Amen.


Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church
Los Alamos, NM


Lecture 157- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ- Part 2

March RTA Logo


Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we continue our discussion on Christology in light of St. Cyril’s text On the Unity of Christ.

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On the Unity of Christ

Third Sunday in Advent

Redeemer Theological Academy

The Third Sunday in Advent
December 13, 2015

Zephaniah 3:14-20
Psalm 85
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 7:18-28

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Last week we heard the word of the Prophet Malachi, “And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his Temple; the Messenger of the Covenant in whom you delight, behold He is coming” (Malachi 3:1). This week we listen to the question of the Prophet John the Baptizer, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” (Luke 7:20). John the Baptist is the messenger preparing the way of the LORD. “Repent for the Kingdom is at hand. Jesus the Messiah is the Messenger of the Covenant. “Repent and believe.”

The role of the prophet was one of attentiveness to God’s actions in the life of His people. The duty of the Seer was to see the vision of the Christ and make the revelation known. The prophet looks, watches, and searches.  He hears and listens to God’s Word and then preaches and teaches God’s Word. The prophets were God’s messengers. The message of the coming Messiah was proclaimed by the prophets of old. He would purify the sons of Levi. He would dwell in the midst of His people. The promise of the appearance of the King of Israel was foretold.  He would come from the sons of Judah. He would extend His Kingdom to all nations.

John was sent by God to seek the One upon whom the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove. John was instructed by God to be the voice crying out in the wilderness. Suddenly, Christ appeared. “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” The disciples of John were now set on Jesus. As their eyes are set on Jesus, our ears are extended to hear Jesus. Jesus declares, “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard, the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”” (Luke 7:22–23). The role of the disciples is one of attentiveness to God’s actions in the life of His people. The disciple, sees and hears. He observes and heeds. The disciple set his eyes on the miracles and lifts up his ears to the message. The disciple looks at the sacraments and listens to the word.

The Season of Advent is a time of preparation. The Day of Inspection is at hand. Listen to God’s Word spoken to you God’s people, “At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are complacent, those who say in their hearts, ‘The LORD will not do good, nor will he do ill.” (Zephaniah 1:12). “Repent and believe.” On the Last day, all that is part of this corrupted creation will be wiped off of the face of the earth. It is a day of wrath, a day of darkness, a day of burning anger, and a day of the trumpet blast and battle cry against the earthly kingdoms of darkness. Silver and gold will be unable to deliver on the Day of the LORD. Woe to those who are defiled and dead in their sin. Without Christ as your Savior it is you and your sin against God. Without Christ as your King it is you and your kingdom against God’s Kingdom. “Repent from you sin and believe in your Savior.”

Ever since the beginning of time, there have been those who refuse to see and believe. They do not seek the LORD. Such people do not want to look and listen. They do not desire His Word. They sing about the sinfulness. The songs of the world are about sin. The words are filled with ragging and boasting in their iniquity. Their jingles are about rejoicing in their rebellion. These are the songs that the world teaches us to sing. It is in our human nature to declare war on God and set up our own little kingdom. In our realms we establish our reign. It is in our DNA to fight against the Creator and hide behind our own sinful freedom. In our independence we pretend there is no pain.

Let us not be fooled. Where there is sin, there is suffering, there is sorrow, and there is sadness. The message of all of the Prophets of old was given to us in order to make us wise. The Holy Spirit is teaching us a new song in which we boast in Christ. Seek the LORD and live. He is the Deliverer from whom true liberty rings. Seek the Light in the darkness. He is the Sun of Righteousness with true healing in His wings. Blessed are those who do not turn back to folly but live in Wisdom. Christ is God’s Wisdom with us. Blessed are those who hear the Word of Peace. Christ is the Prince of Peace for us. Blessed are those who take refuge in Christ. He is the King in our midst.

Where Christ is present in the midst of His people, there is restoring, there is repairing, there is rejoicing. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4). The Holy Spirit is placing a new song upon our lips. “Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem!”

What is our cause for rejoicing? The LORD has taken away the judgments against you. Christ is the Lamb that carries our sin. He has cleared away your enemies. Do not fear death or the devil. The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst. He is in our midst today coming to us in bread and body. Our King comes to us in wine and blood. In Him, you shall never again fear evil. He delivers us from the evil one.

What is the reason for the Advent season? In Christ, God will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you by his love. He will exult over you with loud singing. God’s joy is the source of our joy. On the Day of the LORD He removes the things that do not belong in His Kingdom. He is casting out spiritual darkness. He is expelling the enemies who try to prevent His kingdom from coming through false doctrine and false liturgy. Christ is eliminating physical sadness from pain and sorrow, from sickness and illness, and from diseases and death.

In the days of John the Baptists He removed the things that do not belong to His Kingdom. He threw out the false teachers and spiritual oppressors and replaced them with the Apostles and their successors. He removed the physical and spiritual things that do not belong to His Kingdom. He eliminated blindness, paralysis, and deafness. He started with the physical and moved toward the spiritual in which He bestowed the grace, mercy, and the forgiveness of sins. In our day He is starting with the spiritual and working toward the physical. He removes transgression, sinful expression, and immoral obsession. We hear it now. We will see it in the resurrection of our bodies on the Last Day. On that day, there will be no more pain, sorrow, or sadness.

On this day, we see it in His resurrected body given to us to eat. We are beginning to look and listen as we receive His Sacraments and Words. We are starting to see and hear as we sing and rejoice. He is the Lord whom we seek. He is the Messenger of the Covenant in whom we delight. On the Last Day, we will see and hear the resurrected LORD with our own resurrected eyes and ears. Until then, He continues to heal our hearing and correct our sight with His Word and sacraments. Amen.

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church
Los Alamos, NM


LampLight Conversations


Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Doré, Gustav – The people mourning over the ruins of JerusalemClick here to listen to this week’s show.

This week on LampLight Conversations, Pastor Brian Kachelmeier, who serves at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Los Alamos NM, and also hosts the Redeemer Theological Academy, joined our conversation on the lessons for the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, which are:

Daniel 12:1–3
Psalm 16
Hebrews 10:11–25
Mark 13:1–13

Lecture 156- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 1

March RTA Logo


Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we begin a series on Christology. Christology is the study of the true knowledge of the person and work of Christ as revealed in the God-breathed scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Christ is the Savior who has come to save fallen humanity. He is true God begotten from all eternity and also true man born of the Virgin Mary. These are the two natures of the one Christ. The divine nature is eternal and the source of all life. The human nature is mortal and able to die. Christ is one person consisting of the personal union of these two natures. We do not confuse or mix the divine and human natures saying that He has only one nature. We confess the two natures of Christ. In the same way, we do not separate His divinity from His humanity saying that He subsists of two persons. We confess Christ to be one person of the Blessed Holy Trinity. In this series, we will use Cyril of Alexandria’s writing On the Unity of Christ as a basis for discussing the problems of the false Christology of Nestorianism which separates the divine nature from the human nature creating two different persons, sons, and christs.

Download this lecture by clicking on the link below:


On the Unity of Christ

Second Sunday in Advent

Redeemer Theological Academy

The Second Sunday in Advent
December 6, 2015

Malachi 3:1-7
Psalm 66
Philippians 1:1-11
Luke 3:1-14

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

During the season of Advent we are learning. We are learning to desire the First Coming of Christ in the holy incarnation. We are learning to seek Christ now as He comes to us in His word and sacraments today. We are leaning to long for the Second Coming of Christ on the Last Day.

Last week we heard the apostolic blessing upon us that “the Lord would make us increase and abound in love for one another and for all.” Likewise, listened to the Apostle hope that our hearts would be established blameless in holiness before our God. This can only take place in Christ.

This week we hear the apostolic prayer for the church. St. Paul writes, “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more…”  The Coming Lord desires that our love may abound more and more. Christ comes to us this day as King with a Kingdom abounding in love. Christ comes to us this day bringing an abundance of love.

As His love abounds more and more for us, our love for others is to abound more and more. He died for us so that those who live might no longer live for themselves but live for Him. He lives for us so that we may die to our own sinful flesh and live for Him. He loves us and gives Himself for us so that we may love others and give ourselves for them in which we are abounding in love more and more. Out of your abundance give to others in need. Serve in your vocation whether you are a tax collector or a soldier. Serve in the place were God has placed you whether you are a parent or a child. Live in love.

However, we live in a world that does not abound in love more and more. We dwell in a time where murder abounds more and more from dismembered babies in mothers’ wombs to beheaded Christians in mass tombs. We reside in a place where disorder abounds more and more. We have entered a secular season that tempts us to ignore evil and abound in possessions more and more.

Let us not be fooled. This is the world that hates Christ. This is the creation that sentenced the Creator to death. This is the place that rebels against God’s order. This is the realm that abounds more and more in Evil One.

Yet, this is the place that Christ comes to redeem. Christ comes as King with a Kingdom abounding in love. Christ comes to bring an abundance of love. Christ seeks to make our lives would abound more and more in love. Christ desires that our lives would be filled more and more with the fruit of righteousness.

This week we hear the apostolic prayer for the church. St. Paul writes, “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9–11). Where there is fruit, there is a season, that is, a time period for growing fruit. Where there is a season, there is an end, that is, a time period for growing fruit will cease. Where there is an end, there is a time for harvest, that is, a point where the fruit will be gathered and inspected.

As we are being prepared for the day of inspection, we hear the voice crying out in the wilderness. He says, “Bear fruits in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham. Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Luke 3:8–9).

In the season of Advent, we are learning to inspect our own fruit with knowledge and all discernment, so that we may approve what is excellent. After examining our own fruit, we realize that we do not love God as we should. We do not love others as we love ourselves

Let us not be fooled. Christ comes to His people first for inspection. Understand that the human heart is deceitful above all things. It is desperately sick. Who can understand it? The LORD searches the heart and tests the mind. Do you not realize that the One who made your mind knows what you are thinking? The one who made your ears, hears all that you say. The one who made our eyes, sees all that you do. You will have to give an account according to the fruit of your deeds. Once we have examined our own fruit and found its deficiency, we are ready to observe His fruit.

Come and see what the LORD is doing. Look at the fruit of the Lord’s deeds for you. Behold, the Lord whom you seek suddenly comes to His temple, His house, His body the Church where He is present. Behold the Messenger of the Covenant in whom you delight comes to His temple, His house, His body, the bread of His presence.

Come and hear what the LORD is saying. Listen to the Message of the New Testament. “This is My blood poured out for you. I purify you like gold and silver so that you will bring offerings in righteousness, and spiritual sacrifices of praise. He is the Living Vine. In Him, we are living branches. In Him, we bear living fruit. Behold the Message of the New Testament: “Blessed is the man who trusts in Jesus, whose trust is Jesus. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17). Look, “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). Amen.

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church
Los Alamos, NM


Lecture 155- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapters 38 and 39

March RTA Logo


The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapters 38 and 39

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we finish chapter 38 and chapter 38. King Hezekiah turns to the LORD in prayer. The LORD grants Hezekiah healing and life.

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First Sunday in Advent

Redeemer Theological Academy

The First Sunday in Advent
November 29, 2015

Jeremiah 33:14–16
Psalm 25:1–10
1 Thessalonians 3:9–13
Luke 19:28–40

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today we enter the season of Advent. During these days, we wait with the saints of old. The days are coming when the Righteous Branch shall spring up. We hope with the persecuted church on earth. The time is approaching when the King shall return to execute justice on the nations.

Today we begin a new liturgical year. During these days we realize that this might be our last year together. We do not know if we have one more year or ten. This might be our last day together. We do not know when the Last Day will begin. This might be our last hour together. We do not know at what hour the Lord will come again. Does this make a difference to you? How would you live your life if you only had one year left? What about one day? What about one hour?

Today we start with a New Year’s resolution. Let us pledge ourselves to increase and abound. I do not mean with foods like on Thanksgiving Day in which we increase and abound in our waists. I do not mean with goods like on Black Friday in which we increase and abound in our storage units. Rather, let us pledge ourselves to increase and abound in love. Increase and abound in love for each other. Increase and abound in love for all.

Listen to the blessing from the mouth of blessed Paul, “may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints” (1 Thessalonians 3:12–13).

Let us watch with all His saints and sing, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Christ is building a kingdom of justice and righteousness. He is the Stone that was rejected by the builders. He is forming His Kingdom with stones that cry out. Such stones begin to rejoice and praise Him for all His mighty works. Such stones recall what He says and remember what He does.

If you do not want to hear His words or see His miracles… …If you do not hunger and thirst for His righteousness like the Pharisees of old… If you want to be your own king… …then be warned. He will find other stones that cry out.

While you watch, look and see where you are increasing and abounding: each hour, each day, each year. Do you really even desire to increase and abound in love? Do you really even want to love one another and others even more? Are you increasing and abounding in love? Are you increasing and abounding in hatred for one another and others? If you cannot love those whom you can see, how can you love God whom you cannot?

How does one increase and abound in love?

First, increase and abound in hearing God’s Word. The LORD instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right. God teaches the humble His way.

Second, increase and abound in confessing your sins for they are many. Your guilt is great. When you review the last year of your life, recall your sins. When you review the last day of your life, recall your transgressions. When you review the last hour of your life, recall your iniquities.

Third, increase and abound in confessing your Savior for He is merciful. Where the acknowledgement of sin increases, the grace of the Lord abounds all the more. For the sake of Christ, your sins are not remembered. For the sake of Christ, your transgressions are pardoned. For the sake of Christ, your iniquities are removed.

Fourth, increase and abound in receiving the love of God for His love never ceases. Christ is the Love of God in the flesh. It is in Christ alone, that your heart is established as blameless in holiness. It is in Christ alone, that you are declared to be a beloved of God.

Every Sunday in Advent, He supplies what is lacking in our faith. We are learning to wait for Him. In the Divine Liturgy, the Righteous Branch comes to us each week when we hear what He says and see what He does. As His people, we are called by His name, “Yahweh our Righteousness.” He declares us righteous through faith alone. In the Divine Liturgy the King comes to execute justice and righteousness in word and sacrament. For this reason, we sing with the saints in Jerusalem gathered on the first Palm Sunday. Right before the words of institution we sing,

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He, blessed is He, blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest

Each Sunday, The stones cry out saying, “Hosanna! Save us please!” In the Divine Liturgy the Son of David comes to us vocally and visually. In Christ, heavenly Jerusalem will rest securely. In Christ, believing Judah will be saved. Amen.

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church
Los Alamos, NM


Lecture 154- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapters 37 and 38

March RTA Logo


The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapters 37 and 38

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we finish chapter 37 and begin to discuss chapter 38. King Hezekiah turns to the LORD in prayer. The LORD speaks His word of comfort through the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah. The LORD gives to Hezekiah a sign.

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Lecture 153- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 37

March RTA Logo


The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 37

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we discuss chapter 37. King Hezekiah turns to the LORD in prayer. The LORD speaks His word of comfort through the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah.

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Thy Strong Word – Isaiah 4

Thy Strong Word – Isaiah 4 “The Branch of the Glorified”Worldwide KFUO Radio --- Thy Strong Word

Thy Strong Word

Hosted by Rev. Randy Asburry.

With guest Rev. Brian Kachelmeier of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Los Alamos, NM.

Isaiah 4

And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach.”

The Branch of the Lord Glorified

In that day the branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be the pride and honor of the survivors of Israel. And he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy, everyone who has been recorded for life in Jerusalem, when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem from its midst by a spirit of judgment and by a spirit of burning.[a] Then the Lord will create over the whole site of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, and smoke and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory there will be a canopy. There will be a booth for shade by day from the heat, and for a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain.

Lecture 152- The Gospel According to Isaiah Chapter 36

March RTA Logo


The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 36

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we discuss chapter 36 which is the collision between kingdoms. This is a battle of words. The devil’s lies in opposition to God’s promises. The faith of King Hezekiah is put to the test.

Download this lecture by clicking on the link below:


LampLight Conversations


Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Unknown – Jesus heals a boy possessedClick here to listen to this week’s show.

This week on LampLight Conversations, Pastor Brian Kachelmeier, who serves at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Los Alamos NM, and also hosts the Redeemer Theological Academy, joined our conversation on the lessons for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, which are:

Isaiah 50:4–10
Psalm 116:1–9
James 3:1–12
Mark 9:14–20

Christ in the Old Testament- Obadiah

Christ in the OT 2Pastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about the entire book of Obadiah.

The Holy Spirit teaches about the Final Judgment and the Kingdom of Christ by stating,  “But in Mount Zion there shall be those who escape, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions.” (Obadiah 17)

(click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 151- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 35 Part 3

March RTA Logo


The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 35 Part 3

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we conclude our discussion on chapter 35.

“Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. Himself will come and save you.”” (Isaiah 35:4)

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Lecture 150- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 35 Part 2

March RTA Logo


The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 35 Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we continue our discussion on chapter 35.

“Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. Himself will come and save you.”” (Isaiah 35:4)

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Watch Out for the Watchtower (Jehovah’s Witnesses) Deception about God’s Own Blood

Watchtower Watch OutThe Holy Scriptures clearly teach that God Himself has redeemed us. In fact, the Bible plainly reveals that God has purchased us with His own blood. The Apostle Paul encourages the elders in Ephesus saying, “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). Notice that we are taught that God Himself has purchased us with His own blood. It is not the blood of another.

The inspired scriptures intentionally employ the use of the Greek word ἴδιος (idios) which means the exclusive property of someone. For example, Jesus says, “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Luke 6:41). We are instructed to take note of the log in our “own” eye and not the eye of another. Likewise, Luke writes about the people gathered on the day of Pentecost saying that they “were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language” (Acts 2:6). Again, take note that the people were bewildered because each one heard the preaching in his own language. They were not astonished because they had heard the language of another person.

Furthermore, in the letter to the Hebrews we learn that Jesus “entered into the holy place, not with the blood of goats and of young bulls, but through his own blood, once for all time, and obtained an everlasting deliverance for us” (Hebrews 9:12). Notice that it is not the blood of another, but Jesus’ own blood that delivers us. Likewise, we learn that, “Jesus also suffered outside the city gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood” (Hebrews 13:12). Again, take note that we are clearly taught that we are sanctified through Jesus’ own blood and not the blood of another.

In order to teach us that God’s own blood purchased us, the Apostle Paul states, “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). In this way, we can be certain that the blood that was shed in order to purchase the church is God’s own blood. It is not the blood of another. How did God purchase us with His own blood? In the incarnation, God Himself became man so that He could give His own flesh for the life of the world and shed His own blood for the forgiveness of our sins. It was not the flesh or blood of another. Jesus is True God.  “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life” (1 John 5:20).

The Watchtower organization teaches the exact opposite. They reject the incarnation. Because they do not believe the clear teaching of the Holy Scriptures, they have published their own Bible. In the New World Translation Acts 20:28 is altered. Their Bible states, “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son.” Notice how the Watchtower has changed the clear Word of God into a completely different word. Instead of allowing the Greek word ἴδιος (idios) to teach us that God purchased us with His own blood, the Watchtower Bible teaches that God purchased us with the blood of another that is not His own. In order to accomplish this deception, they added the word “Son.” Let us be clear, the New World Translation is not the Word of God, it is merely the opinion of a manmade organization.

Christ in the Old Testament- Ecclesiastes 5

Christ in the OT 2Pastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about Ecclesiastes 5.

The Holy Spirit teaches that “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Instead, we are to look to Christ. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). The Son of God became man so that we could become sons of God by grace.

(click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 149- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 35 Part 1

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 35 Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we beginning our discussion on chapter 35.

“Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. Himself will come and save you.”” (Isaiah 35:4)

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Cyril of Alexandria on the Cleansing that is in Christ by Faith

Cyil picture 1St. Cyril of Alexandria (378-444)

Sermon XLVI

Luke 8:49-56

And while He is speaking, there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue’s house, saying, Thy daughter is dead: trouble no more the Teacher. But when Jesus heard it, He answered and said, Fear not: believe only, and she shall live. And when He came unto the house, He suffered no one to go in with Him, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden. And all wept and bewailed her. But He said, Weep not: for the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed at Him, knowing that she was dead. But He made them all go out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise. And her spirit returned, and she arose immediately: and He commanded to give her somewhat to eat. And her parents were astonished. And He commanded them to tell no one what was done.

O COME, all ye who love the glory of the Saviour, and thereby weave crowns for your heads, come once again, that we may rejoice in Him, and as we extol Him with endless praises, let us say in the words of the prophet Isaiah: “O Lord, my God, I will praise Thee; and I will laud Thy name; for Thou hast wrought wonderful works, even a counsel true from the beginning.”* What then is the counsel and purpose of God the Father, which was from the beginning, and was true? Plainly that respecting us. For Christ foreknew, even before the foundations of the world, His mystery: but it was in the last ages of the world that He arose for the inhabitants of earth, that having borne the sin of the world, He might abolish both it and death, which is its consequence, and was brought upon us by its means. For so He Himself plainly said, “I am the resurrection and the life:”* and “he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but hath passed from death unto life.” And this then we shall see fulfilled in actual facts. For the ruler of the synagogue of the Jews drew near, and embracing the Saviour’s knees, besought Him to deliver his daughter from the bonds of death:—for lo! already she had been brought down unto this, and was in extreme danger. And the Saviour consented, and set out with him, and was even hastening onward to the house of him who asked the favour, as well knowing that what was being done would profit many of those who followed Him, and would also be for His own glory. And thus on the way the woman was saved, who was the victim of a severe and incurable malady. For she had an issue of blood, which no one could stanch, and which set at nought the art of physicians: but no sooner had she touched the hem in faith, than she was forthwith healed; and a miracle thus glorious and manifest was, so to speak, the work merely of Christ’s journey.

And afterwards there met them from the ruler of the synagogue’s house a messenger, saying: Thy daughter is dead: trouble not the Teacher.” What, then, was Christ’s answer, seeing that He possesses universal sovereignty; that He is Lord of life and death; and by the all-powerful determination of His will accomplishes whatsoever He desires? He saw the man oppressed with the weight of sorrow, swooning, and stupefied, and all but despairing of the possibility of his daughter being rescued from death. For misfortunes are able to disturb even an apparently well-constituted mind, and to estrange it from its settled convictions. To aid him, therefore, He gives him a kind and saving word, fit to sustain him in his fainting state, and work in him an unwavering faith, saying, “Fear not: only believe, and she shall live.”

And having now come to the house of His supplicant, He quiets their lamentations, silences the musicians, and stops the tears of the weepers, saying, “The damsel is not dead, but rather sleepeth.” And they, it says, laughed at Him. Observe here, I pray, the great skill of the management. For though He well knew that the damsel was dead, He said, “She is not dead, but rather sleepeth.” For what reason? That by their laughing at Him, they might give a clear and manifest acknowledgment that the damsel was dead. For probably there would be some of that class who always resist His glory, who would reject the divine miracle, and say, that the damsel was not yet dead; and that in being delivered from, sickness, there was nothing done by Christ very extraordinary. To have, therefore, the acknowledgment of many that the damsel was dead, He said, that she was rather sleeping. And let no man affirm that Christ spake untruly. For to Him, as being Life by nature, there is nothing dead. And this is the reason why we, having a firm hope of the resurrection of the dead, call them “those that sleep.” For in Christ they will arise: and, as the blessed Paul says, “They live to Him,” in that they are about to live.

But observe this also. For as if to teach us to avoid vainglory;—though certainly no such admirable deeds can be wrought by us;—when He came to the house in which the damsel was lying dead, He took in with Him but three of the holy Apostles, and the father and the mother of the damsel.

And the manner in which He wrought the miracle was worthy of God. For having taken her, it says, by the hand, He said, Damsel, arise: and she arose immediately. O the power of a word, and the might of commands that nothing can resist! O the life-producing touch of the hand, that abolishes death, and corruption! These are the fruits of faith, for the sake of which the law also was given to those of old time by the hand of Moses.

But perhaps some one may say to this: ‘But lo! any one can see that the ceremonial ordained by the law is unlike and at variance with faith in Christ: for the law commands us to make use of bloody sacrifices; but faith rejects every thing of the kind, and has brought in for mankind a worship to be offered in spirit and in truth. For even Christ is somewhere found thus speaking by the harp of the Psalmist to God the Father in heaven: “Sacrifices and offerings Thou didst not desire: whole burnt offerings, and for sins, Thou hadst no pleasure in: but a body hast Thou framed for Me. Then said I, Lo! I come: for in the chapter of the books it is written of Me: I delight to do Thy will, O God,” Offerings therefore by blood are unavailing; but the sweet savour of spiritual worship is very acceptable to God. And this no man can present unto Him, unless first he possess that faith which is by Christ. And the blessed Paul bears witness to this, ‘where he writes: “Without faith, no man can ever do that which is well pleasing.” ’

It is necessary, therefore, for us to explain in what sense we say that the law was given because of faith. The blessed Abraham then was justified by obedience and faith. For it is written: “That Abraham believed God; and he was called the friend of God, and faith was counted to him for righteousness.” And God promised him both that he should be the father of many nations, and that all nations should be blessed in him; that is to say, by the imitation of his faith. One can see, therefore, that the grace that is by faith is prior to the ceremonial enjoined by the law, in that Abraham attained unto it while still uncircumcised. And afterwards, in process of time, the law entered by the hand of Moses. Did it then thrust away the justification that is by faith,—that I mean which God promised to those who follow the steps of the faith of our father Abraham, which he had while still uncircumcised? But how can this be true? The blessed Paul, therefore, writes: “This I say then, that the covenant, which was confirmed of old by God, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years afterwards, does not disannul, so as to make the promise given to the fathers of no effect.” And again: “Is the law then against the promises of God? It may not be.” And the same divine Paul further teaches us the reasons for which the law at length entered by the ministration of angels, and the manner in which it confirms the faith in Christ, by having been brought in before the time of the incarnation of the Only-begotten, saying at one time, that “the law entered that sin might abound:” and at another again, “that the Scripture hath included all things under sin:” and again, “The law, therefore, was added, because of transgressions.”

Do you wish to learn how the Scripture included all things under sin? If so, I will explain it to the best of my ability. The heathen, then, as those who were without God, and destitute of hope, were in this world as men imprisoned in the pitfalls of baseness, and entangled without hope of escape in the cords of sin. On the other hand, the Israelites possessed indeed the law as a schoolmaster: but no man could be justified by its means. For there is no profit to them that are in their sins in an offering by blood. And to this Paul again bears witness, saying; “For the blood of bulls, and of goats, cannot take away sins.” The law is the proof of the infirmity of all men: and therefore the blessed Paul calls it “the ministry of condemnation.” Sin abounded by its means: and that, not as though it made any man sin, but rather because it declared the condemnation of him who was subject to offences. It was enacted, therefore, because of transgressions, that as now no man was able to attain to a blameless life, the bringing in of the justification that is by Christ might be altogether necessary. For there was no other way by which the inhabitants of earth could escape from the tyranny of sin. The law, then, entered first for the sake of faith, to declare the guilt of those who were liable to infirmities, and prove them to be sinners. It sent men, therefore, so to speak, to the cleansing that is in Christ by faith. And for this reason the blessed Paul again wrote: “Therefore the law was our schoolmaster unto Christ. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” For we are all sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Faith, then, in every way, is the cause of life, as that which slays sin, the mother and nurse of death. Excellently, therefore, said Christ to the ruler of the synagogue of the Jews, when his daughter was dead; “Fear not: only believe, and she shall live.” For, as I said, Christ makes those live who approach Him by faith, in that He is life; “for in Him we live and move, and are:” and He will raise the dead “suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump,” as it is written. And having this hope in Him, we shall both attain to the city that is above, and reign as kings with Him; by Whom and with Whom, to God the Father be praise and dominion, with the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever, Amen.

A Commentary upon the Gospel according to S. Luke. (R. P. Smith, Trans.) (pp.194–198). Oxford: Oxford University Press (1859).



Lecture 148- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 34 Part 2

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 34 Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we finish our discussion on chapter 34.

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Lecture 147- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 34 Part 1

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 34 Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we continue our discussion on chapter 34.

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Lecture 146- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapters 33 and 34

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapters 33 and 34

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we finish our discussion on chapter 33 and begin to talk about chapter 34.

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Christ in the Old Testament- Jeremiah 11

Christ in the OT 2Pastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about Jeremiah chapter 11.

Christ was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter. They devised schemes against Him saying, “Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, let us cut Him off from the land of the living, that His name be remembered no more.”

(click here to listen to the interview on Issues, Etc.)

Lecture 145- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 33 Part 3

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 33 Part 3

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we continue our discussion on chapter 33.

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Lecture 144- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 33 Part 2

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 33 Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we continue our discussion on chapter 33.

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Lecture 143- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 33 Part 1

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 33 Part 1

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we begin our discussion on chapter 33.

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Lecture 142- The Gospel According to St. Isaiah Chapter 32 Part 2

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The Gospel According to St. Isaiah- Chapter 32 Part 2

Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

In this lecture we learn that when the Righteous King reigns the Holy Spirit will be poured out.

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