(click on the links below)
Attributes of God
- Lecture 50- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 1
- Lecture 51- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 2
- Lecture 52- Introduction to the Attributes of God- Part 3
- Lecture 73- The Attributes of God- Similar and Dissimilar: Life
- Lecture 74- The Attributes of God- Similar and Dissimilar: Knowledge
- Lecture 75- The Attributes of God- Similar and Dissimilar: Wisdom
- Lecture 62- Introduction to Christology Part 1
- Lecture 63- Introduction to Christology Part 2
- Lecture 64- Introduction to Christology Part 3
- Lecture 158- Christmas Message 2015
- Lecture 156- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 1
- Lecture 157- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 2
- Lecture 159- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 3
- Lecture 160- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 4
- Lecture 161- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 5
- Lecture 162- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 6
- Lecture 163- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 7
- Lecture 164- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 8
- Lecture 165- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 9
- Lecture 166- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 10
- Lecture 167- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 11
- Lecture 168- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 12
- Lecture 169- Cyril of Alexandria On the Unity of Christ Part 13
Revealed Knowledge of Salvation
- Lecture 1- Introduction to Theology
- Lecture 2- True Theology is About our Redeemer
- Lecture 3- Revealed by the Apostles
- Lecture 4- Folly to the Unbeliever
- Lecture 5- The Cornerstone is a Stumbling Stone
- Lecture 6- The Rule of Splice
- Lecture 7- Learning to Say Hallelujah
- Lecture 8- Running Against the Rock
- Lecture 9- Today, if You Hear His Voice Do Not Harden Your Hearts
- Lecture 10- The Revealed Rock in Daniel
- Lecture 11- God is Our Teacher
- Lecture 12- The Words of Jesus are Spirit and Life
- Lecture 13- The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit in the Epistle to the Ephesian Pt. 1
- Lecture 14-The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit in the Epistle to the Ephesians Pt. 2
- Lecture 15- The Apostles Teach Us About the True Christ
- Lecture 16- The Continuity of the Prophets and the Apostles
- Lecture 17- Revealing the Mystery
- Lecture 18- Sending Out the Apostles to the Jews and Gentiles
Successors to the Apostles (The Office of Holy Ministry)
- Lecture 19- Timothy, Titus, Successors to the Apostles, and the Written Word – Pt 1
- Lecture 20- Timothy, Titus, Successors to the Apostles, and the Written Word Pt 2
- Lecture 21- Timothy, Titus, Successors to the Apostles, and the Written Word Pt 3
- Lecture 22- Timothy, Titus, Succesors to the Apostles, and the Written Word Pt 4
- Lecture 23- Timothy, Titus, Successors to the Apostles, and the Written Word Pt 5
- Lecture 24- God Sends the Word
- Lecture 25- The Holy Spirit Proceeds from the Father and the Son
- Lecture 40- Learning to Confess the Trinity- Part 1
- Lecture 41- Learning to Confess the Trinity- Part 2
- Lecture 42- Learning to Confess the Trinity- Part 3
- Lecture 43- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 1
- Lecture 44- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 2
- Lecture 45- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 3
- Lecture 46- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 4
- Lecture 47- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 5
- Lecture 48- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 6
- Lecture 49- The Holy Trinity in Creation- Part 7
- Lecture 56- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 1
- Lecture 57- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 2
- Lecture 58- The Holy Trinity in the Book of Acts- Part 3
- Lecture 65- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 1
- Lecture 66- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 2
- Lecture 67- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 3
- Lecture 68- The Revealed Mystery of the Trinity in the Old and New Testaments- Part 4
- Lecture 26- The Doctrine of Vocation Part 1
- Lecture 27- The Doctrine of Vocation Part 2
- Lecture 28- Vocation- The Family Part 1
- Lecture 29- Vocation- The Family Part 2
- Lecture 30- Vocation- From Occupation to Opportunity Part 1
- Lecture 31- Vocation- From Occupation to Opportunity Part 2
- Lecture 32- Vocation- From Occupation to Opportunity Part 3
- Lecture 33- Vocation- The Society Part 1
- Lecture 34- Vocation- The Society Part 2
- Lecture 35- Vocation- The Society Part 3
Written Word
- Lecture 36- The Purpose of the Written Word
- Lecture 37- As it is Written in Paul and Habakkuk
- Lecture 38- As it is Written in Paul and Psalm 44
- Lecture 39- The Written Word and Fellowship with the Apostles
- Lecture 53- Moses and the Written Word
- Lecture 54- Joshua and the Written Word- Part 1
- Lecture 55- Joshua and the Written Word- Part 2
- Lecture 59- The Written Word in the Days of the Judges
- Lecture 60- The Written Word in the Days of King Saul
- Lecture 61- The Written Word in the Days of King Solomon and King Jeroboam
- Lecture 69- Characteristics of the Word of God- Clarity Part 1
- Lecture 70- Characteristics of the Word of God- Clarity Part 2
- Lecture 71- Characteristics of the Word of God- Clarity Part 3
- Lecture 72- Characteristics of the Word of God- Clarity Part 4
I’m trying to subscribe without using iTunes but am stumbling badly. I’m using a Kindle Fire if that helps.
Let me see what I can do on my end.
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
I’m sorry but I have tried and I am just not able to figure out the Kindle Fire stuff.
Rev. Brian L. Kachlemeier
You can treat your kindle just like an external hard drive. Drag and drop files. How to play on a Kindle is another thing. I don’t have a Fire so I am not familiar with it but my older one does play audio. Or you can drag and drop to any inexpensive MP3 player.
Here is a link to an Adroid app called Player FM. Would that work?
Pastor Kachelmeier
This is awesome!!! Thanks for putting this together.
OK I got today’s episode and 1-39. Where are the 40’s?
The 40’s can be found on the home page or on the page “All Lectures” under the topic of Trinity.
Pr. Kachelmeier
Dear Pastor Brian
I have really being getting such a lot out of the studies on the Trinity and find your style refreshing and inspiring and the way you reinforce points with follow up and repetition, help the points of what can be a difficult subject to comprehend, “sink in”. The grammar points are particularly helpful in explaining the text and bringing it to life to draw out the meaning.
Keep up the good work.
Yours in Christ
A question Pastor,
I am going through your lectures and have just finished #5, Running against the Rock. At the end you spoke of Moses speaking with the pre-incarnate Jesus in the burning bush. I never heard that before. (I am an American Evangelical Refugee (AEG).) Where else have you spoken about the burning bush? May I have a link. Also, you mentioned a “…rock that followed them in the desert…” what were you talking about? Do you talk about a moving rock elsewhere? Did I hear correctly that it was Jesus? Forgive me, but I’m confused. Do you have any other lectures/sermons you can easily link me to about this. If you know that these questions will be addressed later in the lectures then I’ll just wait until I get to them. I enjoy listening to you on IssuesEtc. As an AEG the only time Jesus is mentioned being in the Old Testament is in Messianic Prophecies like Is. 53. Listening to your spot on IssuesEtc. “Christ in the Old Testament” is SO different from what I received in the past. Thank you so much for the work you put into each and every interview there and all the archived podcasts.
Lisa Brickman
Menands, NY
ps FYI; I will become an official “member” of the LCMS church I’ve been attending for the last 3 years on Reformation Sunday.
Thanks for listening. First, the key to understanding Christ in the Old Testament is this, “No one has ever seen God; the Only-begotten God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known” (John 1:18). Every time that God appears in the Old Testament we see the Only-begotten Son of God. In the Old Testament, He is “pre-incarnate” meaning that this takes place before the incarnation. Here is a link to an episode of Issues, Etc. regarding Exodus chapter 3 and the burning bush: http://issuesetc.org/2013/11/07/4-christ-in-the-old-testament-exodus-31-15-the-burning-bush-pr-brian-kachelmeier-11713/
Second, regarding the Rock… …Yahweh is the Rock as taught in the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. The Apostles teach us that Jesus is Yahweh. Jesus is the Rock. He is the Rock that is rejected as in Deuteronomy 32, Psalm 118, Isaiah 8:14 and Isaiah 28:16. In 1 Corinthians 10, the Apostle Paul tell us that Jesus is Yahweh who was rejected by His people in the days of Moses. In particular, St. Paul notes that Jesus is the Rock that was struck. He writes, “…and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4). In addition, St. Paul says, “We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents” (1 Corinthians 10:9). Here the Apostle is referring to Numbers chapter 21 regarding the bronze serpent. Lectures 7 and 10 should also address the theme of Christ being the Rock.
I have noticed that in the American Evangelical culture there is a lack of teaching on Christology. Of course, this is a result of their intentional separation from the historic church and disregard for doctrine. Likewise, there is a void in clear teaching on the doctrine of the Blessed Holy Trinity. With an underdeveloped understanding of Christology and the Trinity, the Bible is seen as a mere instruction manual for godly living. Thus, they view God in the Old Testament scriptures as abstract while moral behavior is seen in the concrete. Thus, the Old Testament is a book about the lives of the saints that we are to emulated. Lessons on the Old Testament are focused on being a Manly Moses and a Righteous Ruth or following the devotions of David and diet of Daniel. Jesus says, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.” (John 5:39–40)
God bless you pastor, I have a question about a lecture (not from this academy)I heard about the diference between the Greek and Hebrew understanding of scripture that was really confusing, here is a link so you know what I’m talking about (http://www.christholdfast.org/cruxcast/, it is lecture number 5) in that lecture the pastor was saying that when Jesus says “baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” that he means (in the Hebrew understanding) something other than water baptism but rather that it means immersing them in the name of God (teaching), is this correct? and if so, is all Scripture supposed to have multiple meanings in the Hebrew? that lecture really confused the heck out of me. please help!
I am not familiar with the lectures at Christ Hold Fast. I’ll need to take a listen. As to the Lord’s words in Matthew 28, the main verb is “make disciples.” Now how are disciples made? Well, three participles are attached to the main verb: going, baptizing, and teaching. If one were to say that baptizing means teaching, then one might as well say that going means teaching also. Now that would be silly. Historically, the church has always understood baptizing in this passage to mean baptizing.
thanks Pastor, and if you have a chance to listen to the podcast at Christholdfast please review it, and send me your comments if possible (my e-mail: vascainmune87@gmail.com) thanks for all your help again, I really apreciate your lectures.
God bless you pastor K. it’s me again, Jesus from Yuma AZ. and I have another question believe it or not
when we talk about Christ covering our shame and our nakedness (as in the case of Adam and Eve when God killed an animal to cover them) what does nakedness mean? is the bible saying that nakedness is a sin and Adam was just unaware of it before he ate from the tree? I’m struggling with this part. I know this same language is used throughout the Bible so it must be really important to understand it, please explain. thank you very much Pastor.
Pastor wanted to let you know how much I love and appreciate your biblical teachings and how your ministry honors Christ. Thank you
You are so very welcome!
Pr. Kachelmeier